Adult Programs
Highlighted below are several public programs I’ve been apart of, whether in art museums or arts nonprofits.
Encounters in Awe Walking:
Innovations in Healthy Aging, University of Arizona Museum of Art | 2023
As an art educator contracted for this one workshop, I led a hands-on activity for older adults that focused on slow-color looking and color collages in visual journals.
“The Creative Encounters in Awe Walking gives students and community members tools to encounter and share moments of awe in and across our communities. The goal is to promote awe walking as an accessible and affordable wellness practice across the lifespan. This is in response to recent neuroscience research that has associated positive health benefits with taking short walks while looking for things that inspire awe. This series explores how creativity can be used as a tool to enhance and encourage awe-walking practices in your daily life. These workshops are being presented in collaboration with community partners from the Tucson area, including the Desert Art Museum, the Tucson Botanical Gardens, The Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures, the University of Arizona Center for Creative Photography, and the Audubon Society.” Learn more about this initiative here.
Community Conversations:
Diversity + Racial Equity in Glass
Glass Art Society, Virtual | 2020
As the Programs Manager at the Glass Art Society, I was responsible for organizing this amazing program which included managing registration, assisting in marketing, and acting as an assistant during the live program.
Wine & Workshop:
Posada Printmaking with Romson Bustillo
Bellevue Arts Museum, Bellevue, WA | Summer 2018
As a part of a wonderful internship, I helped develop and manage the Museum’s first ever, wine & workshop!