Research + praxis around mindfulness, which I understand as compassionate full-bodied awareness.
Summer Research Institute - Poster Presentations
Green, J. (2023, July). Mindfulness in the Art Museum - An Exploration of Contemplative Theory & Practice. Poster presentation at the annual Summer Research Institute for the Mind & Life Institute, Garrison, NY.
Download a pdf version here!
Seminar in Art Education Research - Panelist
Bakhtiari, P., Coppick, B., Goodwin, S., Green, J., Guo, J., Kelley, K., Kulinski, A., Liang, X., McDonald, M., Sherman, C., Simone, S., White, A., Xiao, Y., & Zollinger, R. (2023, March). Mindfulness at the Art Museum - An Exploration of Theory + Practice. Presentation at the Seminar for Research in Art Education’s Graduate Student Lightening Talks at the National Art Education Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Download the slides here!
Museum Studies Research Paper Prize - 1st prize PhD Category
Green, J. (2022) Mindfulness at the Art Museum - An Exploration of Theory + Practice. University of Arizona.
This research paper examines mindfulness, a growing aspect of contemplative education, as praxis and pedagogy and its implications for art and wellness programs within the larger museum education field.