Below are several highlights from my time working on exhibitions, whether that be design, curation, or installation.
Why Color?
Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ | 2022
As a student edu-curator of the first in-class-residency, I, along with my 12 peers, curated this exhibit and designed participatory elements for visitors.
Showcasing Sustainable Glass Art
Glass Art Society, Virtual | Summer 2021
The first ever sustainability/green focused exhibition GAS has ever had! This virtual exhibit included 30 artists from over 10 different countries and was juried by: Juli Bolaños-Durman, Scotland; Amber Cowan, USA; Candice-Elena Greer, United Kingdom; and Frederik Rombach, Belgium.
Following the Wrong Gods Home
Gage Academy of Art, Seattle, WA | 2019
A solo exhibition I helped curate one of our gallery spaces for, with local Seattle artist Patricia Halsell.
I’m Sorry But It’s Hard to Imagine
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale, AZ | 2017
The images below are from one of my favorite exhibitions that I had the pleasure of helping install while as an intern at SMoCA.